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Quantum Vantex

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Quantum Vantex 1020

Quantum Vantex 1020

VANTEX Κ A fantastic reel series in the Quantum range: The reels impressΚwith their ultra-light weight, highly pleasant, silky smooth gearΚaction...

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Quantum Vantex 1030

Quantum Vantex 1030

VANTEX Κ A fantastic reel series in the Quantum range: The reels impressΚwith their ultra-light weight, highly pleasant, silky smooth gearΚaction...

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Quantum Vantex 1040

Quantum Vantex 1040

VANTEX Κ A fantastic reel series in the Quantum range: The reels impressΚwith their ultra-light weight, highly pleasant, silky smooth gearΚaction...
